SLEIGH THE HOLIDAYS CHALLENGE The "Sleigh the Holidays" challenge begins December 1, 2023 and ends December 22, 2023. Each member who wishes to participate in the holiday challenge will contribute $15. Participants may join the challenge up until December 15, 2023. Half of the funds ($7.50) will be donated to our December charity: Franklin Education Connection Half of the funds ($7.50) will go toward the grand prize: Cash prize from the challenge Note that the amounts outlined above may be smaller due to online transaction fees. For every DAY that challengers attend a class at Uplifting (In-person or Zoom - cameras on), they will receive a ticket to enter in the random prize drawing to be announced at the end of the 5 AM class on Friday, December 22, 2023. Sundays (indicated in gray) are considered a “free” space. Each participating member will receive 3 tickets in the drawing automatically. You do not have to be present to win. PRIZES Grand prize: Cash prize from the challenge as outlined above Second prize: 2 month Uplifting Fitness membership ($80 value) Third prize: 1 month Uplifting Fitness membership ($40 value) Use our tracker (provided at Uplifting) to help keep yourself on track. The numbers above represent the total # of days you could complete in this timeframe.
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app
Group Discussion
This program is connected to a group. You’ll be added once you join the program.